
Someone at work brought in some homegrown Cherry Tomatoes… and they were yummy.

I wish I had grown some this year. I decided not to plant any, which was a mistake, because I miss having little Cherry Tomatoes to snack on when I’m in the garden.

Things I learnt:

– I have to plant them in the ground earlier.

– One thing I noticed this year was that the cutting from one of my tomato plants grew a lot bigger and healthier than the mother plant. I wonder if I should just plant one plant and take cuttings from it next year… hmmm?

– I won’t plant Great White Tomato next year, because I didn’t like it that much. I’ll concentrate on Brandywine, a cherry tomato and Roma.

It was a Busy Gardening Day…

I took a half day off and left work a bit early. I just needed to take care of a lot of things, because I know I won’t have much time this weekend because of another Filipino Fiesta in San Francisco.

Before going home I stopped by Mid-City Nursery and got three plants.
– Coleus ‘Show & Tell?’ (I don’t think the sticker on the container was correct)
– Coleus ‘Burnt Sienna?’ (I’m not sure if the tag on this plant was correct)
– Heuchera ‘Amber Waves’

Coleus 'Show and Tell?'   Coleus 'Burnt Sienna?'

Heuchera ‘Amber Waves’ photo

Tomatoes and Eggplants Seedlings

Tomatoes and Eggplants Seedlings

My Tomatoes and Eggplants seedlings looks so puny compared to the ones I see at the nurseries.


I didn’t get home until about 7:45pm, but there was still a little bit of light outside, so I repotted some of my seedlings into one-gallon containers until I have my vegetable beds ready. I hope they will at least grow a bit bigger while I fix up the beds.

I repotted two each of the Burgundywine, Roma and Great White Tomatoes into their own pots… and two Scarlet Chinese Eggplant (4 total) into 2 one-gallon pots. I was also going to repot the Japanese Long Eggplants into their own pot, but I ran out, so I have to look for more and maybe do that tomorrow.

I also chopped down more of the Swiss Chard and cleared half of vegetable bed #1. By this time it was already dark and I was gardening by a citronella candle light.

I also noticed that we are not getting enough browns in our compost, so I need to shred some newspaper and use those as browns.

The End

Middle of the Night Planting + Laundry + Battlestar Galactica

You know some people wake up in the middle of the night and crave something to eat? Well, I woke up in the middle of the night and decided to pot some seedlings from Jiffy peat pellets to plastic cups. These include the following:

– Roma Tomato
– Japanese Long Eggplant
– Coleus Tabasco?
– Coleus Amora?
– Coleus Tilt-a-whirl

I also noticed that the Carex sp. (Ornamental Grass) that I planted on Jan. 31 has sprouted after a month a few days.

I reorganized my two shelves with grow lights to accommodate the new potted seedlings. I also removed all the plants in the aquarium and just placed them on planting trays on the shelves.

I also did two loads of laundry… This just proves that I definitely am a night owl… Now I think I’ll go back to bed and watch this weeks recording of Battlestar Galactica.

More Seedlings…

The Sugar Snap Peas, Roma Tomato, Clemson Spineless Okra and Hybrid Summer Boy Chin-Chiang Cabbage have sprouted in 4 days.

…and last in the Coleus seedling race: Coleus ‘Dark Star’ who took 8 days to sprout.

Coleus Up + More Seeds Down…

I just checked my Jiffy Mini-Greenhouse planted with Coleus and to my surprise, three of them have started to come up, just after four days. They are ‘Kong Green’, ‘Kong Scarlet’ and ‘Tabasco?’.

I also sow more seeds into the Jiffy Greenhouse (72 Pellets):

– Sugar Snap Peas (12 pellets)
– Japanese Long Purple Eggplant (6 pellets)
– Roma Tomato (3 pellets)
– Clemson Spineless Okra (3 pellets)
– Bok Choy (12 pellets)
– Hybrid Summer Boy Chin-Chiang Cabbage (6 pellets)
– Fordhook Giant Swiss Chard (6 pellets)
– Salad Bowl Lettuce (8 pellets)
– Grand Rapids Lettuce (8 pellets)
– Mighty Red Oak Lettuce (8 pellets)