Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Before I left for work, I did something really stupid… I picked up the mini-greenhouse with the Columbine seeds by the plastic cover… and the bottom part fell off. Vermiculite and Columbine seeds was scattered all over. I tried to scoop all that I can, but they are now all mixed up. Luckily, this wasn’t the mini-greenhouse with the seeds that lblanchard gave me. Those are all fine.
After work, I gave the Tri-Color Variegata Pepper that I dug up last year and overwintered some TLC. It has started to grow more leaves and a few flowers. I left all the peppers on the plant when I dug it up and they dried up. Some apparently dispersed some seeds, because there was baby Pepper plants at the Mom’s base. I dug these up and potted them up.

I also trimmed the dead branches and collected the dried peppers. If any of you want some, drop me a line and I can send you some.
I repotted two of the ornamental grasses (Carex sp. + Blue Fescue ) ( photo ) that I grew from seeds into one-gallon containers.
Thursday, June 15, 2006
My Mom has been telling me that the 99ยข grafted Cactus that I bought on Saturday has, been in full bloom. Whenever I take a look all the flowers are closed. Today, I woke up late and I finally got to see the open flowers during daylight.

My Euphorbia obesa ( photo ) and Pink Echevaria ( photo ) now have flower buds and should be flowering soon.
After work, I passed by Home Depot and found two succulent leaves ( photo ) on the floor, so I had to save them. I’m not quite sure want plants they are, but I’m going to see if they will grow.