4 Tid Bits…

For Christmas, one of my best friends, Michael, gave me Tulips in this cool little pot. The Tulips are emerging and now about 1 inch tall.

Sprouting Tulips

I found this near the area where I found the seedling from a few day ago. I think they are Pine Nuts. Can anyone confirm? I planted them and we’ll see if they grow.

Pine Nuts?

My co-worker’s Zygocactus is dropping its leaves. She was going to throw the broken pieces away, so I yelled “NO!!!”… and she gave it to me. Yet another propagation project.

Broken Zygocactus

After work, I passed by Target and saw these Terra Cotta Pots that I thought were cool. They are different than your standard Terra Cotta Pot. They measure 4 inch wide by 3.5 inch tall and cost 79 cents each. (3 cents more than all 600 bulbs my brother got yesterday)

Terra Cotta Pots

Berkeley Horticultural Nursery…

Yesterday (Saturday), I made a trip to Berkeley Horticultural Nursery for the first time. It is the biggest nursery I’ve ever seen. They have wonderful plants, many that I never seen before. The staff is very helpful and friendly, and they had a lot of free literature for Bay Area planting.

Of course, I had to get some plants… and guess what most of them are… Yup, more Coleus. Below is a photo of my purchases.

(top left) Coleus “Palisandra Black”
(middle) Coleus “Pineapple”
(top right) Coleus “Copper Splash”
(bottom left) Fuchsia Hybrid “Autumnale”
(bottom right) Coleus “Peter Wonder”

I got a new phone last week…

It’s a Handspring Treo 270–a Palm smartphone. I got tired of carrying both my cell phone and Palm, so I started researching the Treo 600. They were too expensive to buy if you already had a cellular phone plan, so I settled for a used Treo 270 for now. Although it’s an older Palm OS, it still does what I need it to do: cellular phone, contacts, calendar, alarm clock, wireless internet, text messaging and the game Bejeweled… So I’m pleased… It’ll carry me over until the Treo 610 or another high-res Treo comes along.