Before and After…

Giddy Up Unka Joel Mahliyah and Her Unka Joel


This weekend, I found these fungi growing on a dead tree trunk behind our storage.

Fungi   Fungi

Blackout Photos…

Photos from the 3.5 hour blackout we had:

Nanay Lighing a Candle   Candles   JR Eating During the Blackout

January Flowers in Bloom…

New Year Bloom

I saw this tree blooming on 4th Street in Berkeley, CA. I’m not sure what kind it is… but it looked striking along the pale yellow wall.
Lavender Star Flower, Grewia occidentalis (Family: Malvaceae)


One of my Mom’s Cymbidium Orchid that is now in bloom outside.
Cymbidium sp. (Family: Orchidaceae)


My coworker, Ed, took a photo of me with the Polarize app on his iPhone.