I had a day off today and it was a nice day… so I was motivated to get a lot of gardening done before it starts to rain again.
I started the day off by taking the Horseradish and some seedlings ( Cerinthe
, Butter Daisy, Tweedia, Alyssum, Tidy Tips, Bells of Ireland and Larkspur ) from the grow lights in my bedroom outside to harden off. This made more room for the Tomato and Pepper seedlings, which I raise up higher and placed directly under the growlights.
I divided the seven Cerinthe
and potted them into four pots. I looked around the garden to find a future home for the Cerinthe and I noticed that there where about 5 volunteers
where they grew last year… so I think I may plant these seedlings in the front yard once they get bigger.
I also took out Pepino Dulce
cutting because they were way overdue to be potted up. I placed them into three 5″ pots before I figure out where to plant them.
Many of the winter veggies seedlings (Bok Choy, Dwarf Blue Curled Kale and Dinosaur Kale) are getting too big for the cell-packs so I divided them and placed them into drinking cup pots.
In the front garden, I planted a few of the Agrostemma and Early Gigantea Sweet Peas seedlings into the two big clay pots. I think I’ll also plant the Cerinth and Bright Lights Swiss Chard here to really fill these pots.
In the SFG Veggie Beds, I planted a square with the Daikon. They were really tiny and I was afraid slugs may eat them, so I overed them with clear plastic drinking cups (with holes for ventilation). I also planted one and half squares of the Broad Leaf Mustard. They looked like they were getting ready to bolt… Hopefully, they won’t. I also planted two Green Lucullus Swiss Chard into half a square.
I planted the Cilantro into it’s own pot and hope it would fill out. To help this out, I also planted some more Cilantro seeds between the plants and mulched it with cocoa mulch.
I also sowed a succession planting of the Super Snappy Pea seeds between the existing Super Snappy Peas which are already flowering and fruiting even though they are only about a foot tall. Hmm? I wonder if they will get taller like our usual 5+ foot tall Snap Peas.
Not much has happened in the Wintersowing bins, but I did see a few sprouts from the Subaru Wildflower Mix.

It was getting dark and as I putting thing away, I found the Purple Potatoes that I harvested from last year and noticed they were sprouting. I got to get them into the soil soon.

My Mom also harvested a few Green Onion stalks for tonights dinner. It’s great to be able to harvest veggies straight from the garden when you need it.