New Zealand Spinach

I just received an email from NZ Magazine asking for permission to use this photo of my New Zealand Spinach…. I’m excited, I may be published! :)

New Zealand Spinach

Quick but busy Monday…

With the success of directly planting the Tendergreen Bush Beans, I decided to try planting Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans on a trellis which had Snap Peas. I think it may be a little late, but I’ll see how these turn out.

Along with some New Zealand Spinach that my mom harvested, I harvested my first peppers (1 Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper and 2 Pepperoncini) and some White Icicle Radishes for a Filipino dish called Sinagang that my mom will make for dinner.

I also planted the 4 Coleuses that I purchased on Saturday in a large terra cotta pot. I took cuttings of the taller ones and place them in water to root.

The Sunflower seeds I planted on Tuesday have sprouted and are about an inch tall.

A few pictures from yesterday…

Here are a few pictures I took yesterday for some of my vegetable.

Baby Cucumber
My first baby Cucumber

Eggplant Bloom
My first Eggplant bloom


New Zealand Spinach
New Zealand Spinach

Pear Tomato
My first Yellow Pear Tomato fruits

French Sorrel
French Sorrel