More Winter Veggie Seeds Sown…

I planted more seeds into Jiffy Peat Pellets (4 each):

Swiss Chard ‘Green Lucullus’ Folia
Kale ‘Red Russian’ (G2/2010) Folia – Seeds collected from this year’s plants
Cilantro/Coriander (G2/2010) Folia – Seeds collected from this year’s plants
Kailaan ‘Blue Star’ Folia (Chinese Kale/Chinese Broccoli)
Spinach ‘Bloomsdale Savoy’ Folia
Spinach ‘Correnta Hybrid’ Folia

I read that Spinach and Cilantro can be grown in the fall/winter/spring in free-free zones, so I’m going to try to grow them this fall/winter and see how well they do. I always though these two were summer plants.

Also posted on Folia Folia

Planting, Harvesting and Cooking…

12:48pm I’m cutting down the Kohlrabi that has bolted and I saw the first Aphids this year… Dangit!

12:58pm The Bumble Bees are going crazy of our Borage flowers!

7:35pm Planted 8 squares in veggie bed #3: White Russian Kale, Redbor (G2) Kale, Swiss Chard and Green Arrow Snap Peas

8 Squares Planted

7:39pm Harvested some Red Russian Kale, Dwarf Blue Curled Kale and Snap Peas

Harvested Kale

Harvested Snap Pea

I made Kale Soup with the Kale that I harvested today.

I used this recipe as a base:

Kale Soup

11:22pm The Hybrid Thai Lemon Basil is sprouting…

Sprouts + Harvest…

6:44pm White Russian Kale, Marvel of Four Seasons Lettuce and Broccoli Raab are sprouting… #

First Snap Peas Harvest

Harvested Kale & Swiss Chard

7:19pm Harvested a basket of Red Russian Kale, Dinosaur Kale and Swiss Chard… plus a handful of Snap Peas#

I cooked it up with Sardines, Garlic, Onion, Lemon and Soy Sauce…

Kale & Swiss Chard with Sardines

Kale Chips…

11:11pm Making more Kale Chips… (The Kale from 99 Ranch was better quality than these from Food4Less) #

Kale Chips…

I saw someone mention Kale Chips on Twitter and it fascinated me so much because I love Kale… I followed the links, read about it… and the recipe seems pretty easy. It’s basically baking or dehydrating pieces of Kale that is coated with olive oil, lemon juice and salt…

I’m at work right now and I can’t wait to try this. Maybe I can stop by Ranch 99 (an Asian grocery) and get some Kale… Hmm, or maybe Mustard Greens… Which I also love… I bet Mustard Greens will add some kick to it, similar to Wasabi Chips…


So I tried making the Chips and they turned out really good!

I got some Curl Leaf Kale and baked it at about 200°F for 20 minutes. It was still not crunchy, so I baked it longer. I think it took a total of about 45 minutes.

Kale Chips
Kale Chips

I also tried Mustard Greens, but instead of baking, I dehyrated them.

Mustard Chips
Mustard Chips

Here are some links I found:
Crispy Crunchy Kale Chips on Meghan Telpner’s blog.
Kale Chips? Yes Please! on
Basic Kale Chips on

It Was a Really Busy Garden Day…

  • 12:24pm I like how Guy Fieri (Guy’s Big Bite) promotes composting kitchen scraps, even if it’s just in a bucket for your houseplants. #
  • 12:45pm Spring Starflower, Snapdragons, Daffodils, Candytuff and Calendula are blooming in our backyard… #
    Spring Starflower  Daffodils  Mini Daffodils  Calendula 'Pacific Beauty'  Candytuff

Official Start of My Fall/Winter Garden…

I haven’t been gardening much during the summer, but on Saturday, I made a point to get my butt to Mid-City Nursery to see if they had any fall/winter vegetables to plant. They had a lot of variety of cool weather plants and I ended up with three kinds of Kale plants, a White Alpine Strawberry and Brussels Sprouts in my cart.

When I was at the counter, the cashier asked if I found everything okay. I reply yes… then remembered that I wanted a Chilean Guava plant, so I asked if they carried it. She actually knew what it was because she called it Ugni (its genus). She then lead me to the shrubs area and found the plant right away. There was one left and it’s now mine :)

When I got home I took photos of the plants, but I haven’t uploaded them to my Mac yet, so those are still to come.

Can’t wait to start planting!!! :)