Tuesday, January 5, 2009
I brought my PlantCam to work to see if I can get it to work properly because I had trouble with it before Christmas and just haven’t had the time to fiz/play around with it.
One of my coworkers suggested using a different SD card and low and behold… it worked… so I did a couple of test time-lapse photos of the office and street outside and it totally worked. I need to find a process to make nice fades between the shots. They seem to play smoothly on my Mac, but once I upload them to Flicker, they don’t fade and just switch photos, like a slide show.
After work, my friends Darwin, Janet and AJ treated my out for a birthday dinner at Yojimbo Sushi. YUMM!!!… We ordered a lot but I guess Darwin was really hungry… hehe
When we finished, Darwin and I drove over to AMC Bay Street 16 in Emeryville to try to catch the 9pm showing of Avatar 3D… Despite nodding off at the first 10 minutes of so (I was really tired and sleepy and just eat tons for food, hehe)… I really really loved the movie!!!… Once they got to the evening scenes with the forrest radiating with so much color lights… I stayed up. The main character was also cute (which is always a plus :)… I think this has to be one of my favorites movies… If you have the chance to see it in 3D, do so!!!