June 10 Gardening…

Planted another African Violet leaf cutting. This one has solid dark pink flowers.

My Huayna-Picchu Masdevallia Orchid bloomed for the first time last night. When I saw it, an insect was pirched on its top petal…

I still don’t know where to plant my French Terragon (Artemisa dracunculus ‘Sativa’) that’s in a 2″ pot, so I potted it up to a 4″ pot.

I planted four Lemon Cucumbers (into 3 squares) in Veggie Bed #2.

Planted a container with Agrostemma githago ‘Ocean Pearls’ Folia, Layia platyglossa ‘Tidy Tips’ Folia and Pesto Perpetuo BasilĀ Folia.

African Violet Cutting has Rooted…

4:14pm One of my African Violet cuttings that I planted a month ago has rooted. I can’t wait to see little plantlets emerge.

New African Violet Roots

Passiflora Spotted

As I was walking back to work from lunch today, I happen to see this pink flower, so I snapped a photo.

Pink Passiflora Flower   Pink Passiflora Cutting and Fruit

Once I got to work and looked at the photo, I realized that this is a Passiflora, so I went back and took a cutting and a fruit. I’m going to try to propagate this by both cutting and seed (if there are any viable seeds).

Sticky Monkey Flower

As I was walking to the carpool from work on Monday, I noticed a low growing plant with yellow flowers in a landscaped area near a park. At first glance, I thought it was an Orchid, but that would be silly… so I took a closer look and had to take a photo.

Last night, I posted the photo on Flickr and someone identified it as a Sticky Monkey Flower.

Sticky Monkey Flower   Sticky Monkey Flower Cutting

I got curious about the plant, especially the name… So I took zip-lock in hand with a moist paper towel and set out to take a cutting on my way to the carpool from work.

Now, I know why this plant has “sticky” in it’s name… It’s leaves are sticky!!!… but I took a small cutting and brought it home… and potted it up.

I hope it survives.


Someone at work brought in some homegrown Cherry Tomatoes… and they were yummy.

I wish I had grown some this year. I decided not to plant any, which was a mistake, because I miss having little Cherry Tomatoes to snack on when I’m in the garden.

Things I learnt:

– I have to plant them in the ground earlier.

– One thing I noticed this year was that the cutting from one of my tomato plants grew a lot bigger and healthier than the mother plant. I wonder if I should just plant one plant and take cuttings from it next year… hmmm?

– I won’t plant Great White Tomato next year, because I didn’t like it that much. I’ll concentrate on Brandywine, a cherry tomato and Roma.

Sunday Gardening…

I took more Coleus (and Plectranthus) cuttings today… As I was tagging the photos on Flickr, I noticed that I missed some plants, so I probably will have to have a Part 3.

Coleus Cuttings Part 2

I actually didn’t do much… because I napped a lot today…

I happened to check the Columbine seedlings ( sown seeds photo ) which I thought were either dead or would never grow, but surprisingly, there where a couple that sprouted and grew… though small and thin. I took them out of the vermiculite and planted each one in a pot. I hope they will continue to grow.


Cukes and Cuttings…

Today, I was finally able to do some gardening. (It’s been getting dark outside when I get home from work)

I started the day by getting the oil changed in my car. While I was waiting, I found a whole bunch of cactus and succulents at the dollar store. I ended up buying three. ( photo )

The Snow Peas that I planted last week are doing well. I’m glad the pincher bugs or slugs didn’t get to them.

I planted more Snap Peas, because not all of the ones I planted last week germinated. I was going to plant these where the Lemon Cucumbers are, but they are still fruiting, so I need to find another place for them.

Speaking of Lemon Cucumbers, I harvest a lot today. I didn’t see a lot of them because they were hiding the leaves.

A Basket of Lemon Cucumber   Lemon Cucumber

As I was looking through the veggie beds, I decided to pull up the Gold Rush Zucchini since it was dying down and I didn’t really like the fruits. In its place, I set up some trellises and added some compost. I’ll plant the Snap Peas here once they get bigger.

Gold Rush Zucchini Texture   Coleus Cuttings

I then had the urge to plant… So I took a few Coleus cuttings, which I will overwinter for next year… Then I took more and more and ended up taking more than 30 cuttings.

Coleus Salad?

Tonight’s Gardening…

The Message Bean has sprouted its first leaves.

Message Bean (First Leaves)

I planted two more Coleus pots. One contains ‘Red Ruffles‘ (new plant), ‘Unknown Speckled Green‘ (found cutting) and ‘Trailing Rose Frost‘ (overwintered cutting).

Coleus Pot #23

A ‘Trailing Rose Frost’ Survivor Snippet