It was a busy gardening day. I started by planting a few Green Onions bottoms with the others I planted last week.

I start grafting onto our two Asian Plum trees:
– Bubblegum Plum (which I’m really interested in tasting, so I grafted it in two locations)
– Plum ‘Golden Nectar’
– Pluot ‘Flavor Supreme’

This bird kept watching me as I was grafting scions onto our Plum tree. I thought it would fly away if I moved, but even after I walked around and climbed the ladder, it just stayed there. It eventually flew away.
I wanted to graft some Cherry scions, but I couldn’t find any good sites to graft onto… So I left it, and I’ll check our Cherry tree later.

I had some plant that have been in cell packs since the fall, and they are still alive, so I planted the Swiss Chard into 5 gallon fabric pot and Beets ‘Chioggia’ into a large Daiso pot. I had two leftover Flat Leaf Parsley which I planted into a 3 inch pot for now, until i find a permanent place for them in the garden. Hopefully, these plants will grow big despite being left in their cell packs.
I also did a bunch of seed sowing. I sowed all of the Zesty Salad Mesclun Mix into a medium Daiso pot. I don’t think these grew well in the past and I just wanted to get rid of the seeds.

I planted the rest into cell packs:
– Agrostemma ‘Ocean Pearls’
– Agrostemma ‘Milas’
– Bok Choy ‘Fun Jen’
– Bok Choy ‘Purple Choy’
– Kohlrabi ‘Early White Vienna’
– Bok Choy ‘Summer Boy’

A couple of the Kiwi plants have started to leaf out. I was worried that they died in the winter at their new location, but they seem to have pulled through. They was a couple dead/dried out branches which I trimmed. The rest of the blue bin where they were was empty, so I decided to plant a row of Super Sugar Snap Peas.

Afterwards, I did a major trim of the European Plum tree in back of our storage. There were tons of dead limbs and limbs that sagged down. I tried to clear the bottom so we had walking space and just get rid of too much of the mass. I think it looks better now and hopoefully will grow better. Unfortunately, the Kirke Blue Plum that I grafted to it dried up.