I have two Pineapple seedlings (grown from seeds) survive. One is doing really well and the other is hanging on… I will separate these and plant them into a slightly larger pot.
Category Archives: Gardening
Midnight Snow Peas + Pawpaw Stratification…
Midnight Snow Peas
Back in September 2010, I was in search for purple Snap Peas. I searched online and found www.purplepeas.net. I wrote Dan, the purple Snap Pea breeder, but they were not yet available.
I received a package of Midnight Snow Peas today and will soak them in water overnight, so I can plant them tomorrow. I generally don’t like the Snow Peas that I have grown in the past, but the purple Snap Peas are still not available, so I’ll give these Snow Peas a try for now.
I don’t know if the one Pawpaw seed that I got from the 2011 CRFG Scion Exchange will grow, but I’m going to give it a try.
I read that it is slow to germinate and needs stratification, so placed it in the refrigerator for now. I also read that it needs to be kept moist, so tomorrow I will get some sphagnum moss, moisten it and place the seed it in. Again, I don’t know if this will germinate, but we’ll see…
First Daffodil of 2011
Winter Greens sorted out and potted out…
The tray of winter greens that I planted back in November have grown and I can now tell what is what… (My great-niece tripped over them and mixed them all up.)
I planted the Bok Choy seedling into hanging pots in out front yard, since there is more light there. I’ll plant another batch in a few days for the backyard garden.
I also potted up the Broad Leaf Mustard from the Jiffy Peat Pellets into a large pot (Solo drinking cup) to get them to grow a little bigger before planting them out.
Wish List: Hellebores (Lenten Rose)
Just added Hellebores (Lenten Rose) to my wish list. My Mom saw these in a garden magazine & asked me if they sold them here. I didn’t know.