The Daikons (Mino Early and Sweet Glade
) are getting big fast, so I moved them outdoor to harden off…
Category Archives: Gardening
One Trader Joe’s Sweet Long Red Pepper Sprout…
Social Garden Tracker & Organizer?
Social Garden Tracker & Organizer?
Check Folia out for free and please use my special link: so I can get a Dandelion Badge.
Tons of Sprouts…
Many of the seeds sown on the 23th are now sprouting…
– Tomato ‘Woodle Orange’
– Tomato ‘Hippy Zebra’
– Tomato ‘Brandywine Red’
– Tomato ‘Hawaiian Pineapple’
– Tomato ‘Copia’
– Tomato ‘San Marzano’
– Tomato ‘Vintage Wine’
– Tomato ‘Red Pear’
– Tomato ‘Red Zebra’
– Tomato ‘Speckled Red Roma’
– Cerinthe
The two Daikons (Mino Early and Sweet Glade
) are also sprouting… I think I will have to move them outdoor soon…
Wintersowin’ 2011…
A few days ago, I discovered another way to wintersow… so I’m giving Wintersowing another chance.
I purchased two 50 qt. Sterlite plastic bins with covers.
I was able to place twelve 3 inch pots into each one.
I planted mostly flower seeds and a few vegetable. Continue reading
Feb 26, 2011 Garden Update…
Grafts 2011 Batch 2
Our Bing Cherry looked like it was about to open its buds, so I grafted some Cherry scions as wells as some Plums and Apricots.
– Apricot ‘Skaha’ scion grafted onto Plum (near sink)
– Cherry ‘Black Eagle’ scion grafted onto Bing Cherry
– Cherry ‘Burbank’ scion grafted onto Bing Cherry
– European Plum ‘Coe’s Golden Drop’ grafted onto European Plum (near Vegetable Bed 1)
– European Plum ‘Baray’s Green Gage’ grafted onto European Plum (near Vegetable Bed 1)
– European Plum ‘Old Green Gage’ grafted onto European Plum (near Vegetable Bed 1)
Alyssum Sprouting + Daikon and Mango Sowed…
I was surprised to see sprouts already from the seeds I planted 2 days ago. The Alyssum ‘Easter Bonnet Deep Rose’ is already sprouting…
I know Daikons are supposed to be planted directly in the ground and not transplanted, but I was curious if I can start it and plant it once I see a small sprout. For my experiment, I planted it two ways:
Left: I made small, but tall newspaper pots, so I can plant them directly into veggie bed once sprouted. I planted Daikon ‘Mino Early’ in these.
Right: I used Jiffy Peat Pellets with the outside netting removed. I placed them on top of about an inch layer of soil, so the roots can grow deeper. I planted Daikon ‘Sweet Glade’ in these.
I saved another Mango seed from a Mango we bought and ate… and will try growing it.