@joeysplanting’s Tweets…

13:28 State poised to OK supertoxic pesticide :: j.mp/9Ka0Sz #

@joelignacio’s Tweets…

07:47 Whoa… no one’s here yet… (@ Rivet SF) 4sq.com/9kRLIP

14:33 "Please wait while we access your AT&T account information."

Eggplant Plantings…

Planted a Black Beauty and 2 Japanese Long Purple Eggplants in Veggie Bed #2.

@joeysplanting’s Tweets…

17:15 Just planted a hanging pot with Sequoia Strawberries on the side & Nasturtium Canary Creeper on top. I then added Tricolor Bush Beans seeds. #

17:45 Planted Aristocrat Zuchini and Kabocha Delica Hybrid Squash into the blue bins behind the storage. #

17:55 It’s was so hot today… It’s finally cooling down and our thermometer read 96°F… IN THE SHADE!!! :: j.mp/dAf0An #

@joelignacio’s Tweets…

15:47 I just became the mayor of Mid City Nursery on @foursquare! 4sq.com/dbHUxw

17:55 It’s was so hot today… It’s finally cooling down and our thermometer read 96°F… IN THE SHADE!!! :: j.mp/dAf0An

19:50 I just became the mayor of Yojimbo Sushi on @foursquare! 4sq.com/cco8Vh

21:23 I’m at Fentons Creamery & Restaurant (4226 Piedmont Ave, at Entrada Ave, Oakland). 4sq.com/4oFFYw

@joeysplanting’s Tweets…

11:57 It was a good idea to place my seedlings in the front yard patio. I can see if they need water and check their status before I go to work… #

18:00 San Francisco Succulent and Cactus Society Show & Sale : June 12-13 : 9am-5pm : County Fair Bldg, Golden Gate Park :: j.mp/aOQENj #

June 10 Gardening…

Planted another African Violet leaf cutting. This one has solid dark pink flowers.

My Huayna-Picchu Masdevallia Orchid bloomed for the first time last night. When I saw it, an insect was pirched on its top petal…

I still don’t know where to plant my French Terragon (Artemisa dracunculus ‘Sativa’) that’s in a 2″ pot, so I potted it up to a 4″ pot.

I planted four Lemon Cucumbers (into 3 squares) in Veggie Bed #2.

Planted a container with Agrostemma githago ‘Ocean Pearls’ Folia, Layia platyglossa ‘Tidy Tips’ Folia and Pesto Perpetuo Basil Folia.

@joeysplanting’s Tweets…

01:12 Earlier this evening, I started cutting down the blotting Swiss Chard, Bok Choy & Mustard in Veggie Bed #2 to make room for Lemon Cucumbers. #

01:12 Bought a packet of Tricolor Pole Beans yesterday, soaked them overnight & planted them into cell packs. Now I need make a tall trellises. #

14:13 A coworker emailed me a link to this article on SFGate about Bromeliads :: "An eye for exotics" j.mp/cYoHuK #