Saturday Gardening…

The Asparagus Pea is growing nicely and is about twice the size I bought it. I see at least four tiny pods. I wonder if Asparagus Pea (Tetragonolobus purpurea) is an annual or perennial here.

First Asparagus Pea Pod...

I made a couple combination pots. I potted a Rudbeckia hirta ‘Prairie Sun’ into a existing pot with Dahlia ‘Jack-o-Lantern’ and Sedum ‘Angelina’. (photo below left)

Rudbeckia hirta ‘Prairie Sun’ Combination Pot

In another pot, I planted Salpiglosis ‘Kew Blue’, a volunteer Persicaria ‘Painter’s Palette’ that a found and an unlabeled plant from Annies Annuals. (photo above right)

I also potted up my Sugar Cane plant from a one gallon pot to a five gallon one. I was debating wheather to put the Sugar Cane in the front yard or behind the storage to get more sun. My Mom thought it would be better behind the storage, so that’s where I placed it.

Repotted Sugar Cane

I see one Tricolor Bush Bean sprouting up in the hanging pot I made a few days ago. Hopefully the rest will come up soon.

Refreshed a pot with 3 year old Tweedia caerula by adding compost. Also planted seedlings grown from seeds from this plant into this pot.

I’m glad to see that the Scarlet Chinese and Easter Eggplants from last year survived and have new growth.

Mongero Garden Plant Sale…

About two weeks ago, my Mom and Brother came home and were so excited to tell me about a house near downtown Vallejo that was having a plant sale. “A house” I wondered… I thought it was something like a garage sale with plants, but as they told me more and more about the various plants they seen, I because so curious… After eating lunch, I took my camera and headed there.

This house is owned by Tony Mongero, a local landscaper located on 225 El Dorado Street in Vallejo, California.

Mongero Garden Plant Sale Mongero Garden Front Yard Entrance

He loves to grow plants… and it shows. I was so surprised at all the wonderful plants, many which are not sold at the big chain home improvement stores. I never seens some of the plants except in TV shows and online.

Pitcher Plants Hibiscus? Mongero Garden

[slickr-flickr tag=”Mongero Garden” items=”14″]

You can see more photo in my Flickr set “Mongero Garden

Tony told me that he has plants sales about once a month and puts up sign around the area (which is how my Brother discovered the place). He also says that people are free to come in anytime he is in the garden and his gate is open. You can also call ahead of time and ask if you can come over. So if you go, tell him you heard of his garden through me :)

Here’s his flyer with more information and contact details.

New Theme + Helvetica Neue Light…

A few days ago, I changed my blog theme from the simpleX theme to the Twenty Ten theme. I like Twenty Ten because it’s clean, simple and I noticed it had a photographic header graphic, which can be customized, so I made one added using some of my photos:

I customized the fonts using Georgia Bold Italic for the subheads and Helvetica for the body text. I wanted to use Helvetica Neue Light but not matter what code I changed in the four CSS files, I couldn’t get it to change… Until I read the article Helvetica Neue Light on

Apparently, I was using the incorrect font name. I was using “Helvetica Neue Light” instead of “HelveticaNeue-Light”… so now it works :)

Toy Story 3…

FourSquare 22:34 Toy Story 3 (@ AMC Bay Street 16 w/ 8 others)

Vietnamese Coriander + Kangkong + Kalanchoe tubiflora…

I was shopping at 99 Ranch Market and found Rau Ram aka Vietnamese Coriander (Persicaria odorata) (bottom left photo) which I recognized as a Polygonum because of its stem & chevron on the leaf. I bought it, but didn’t intending to eat it, but to plant and add to my Polygonum collection.

Purchased Persicaria odorata Kalanchoe tubiflora in Bloom

I also bought some Kangkong aka Water Spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) to make Adobong Kang Kong and also try to plant/root the stems.

My Kalanchoe tubiflora (Chandelier Plant) (top right photo) grown from tiny plantlets 4 years ago is now blooming. I didn’t even know that these bloomed.

Nanay Playing Concentration…

My Mom is playing a concentration game on her iPad and gets excited when she matches a pair of cards. It’s so cute and I bet it’s good for her memory :)

Is it lunch-time yet?…

10:02 Is it lunch-time yet?

11:39 Now is it lunch-time yet?

FourSquare 19:30 So much Asian vegetables!!! (@ 99 Ranch Market – Richmond)

Ponyo on the Big iTouch

Last night I got the cutest voice mail from my great niece Mahliyah.

“Umm… Hi Uncle Joel, can I see, th, when um… I’m spending the night at your house, oh, can I see the iTouch and can I watch Ponyo on the big iTouch. Thank you… Here Mommy… bye.”