Nets + Zinnias + Taro + Dried Snap Peas…

Earlier I tweeted: Are Gurney’s ( @GurneysDeals ) and Henry Field’s are the same company?… because I am getting identical emails from both of them. I got a responce saying: “yep. Same with springhill and michigan bulb”

When I got home from work, I noticed that my Mom set out the net to catch the Plums Folia that are starting to drop.

It's Falling Plum Time Poor Zinnias

My Zinnias grown from seeds have been in their small cell packs for a while. I haven’t had the time to transfer them into better pots until this evening. I planted them in my Solo drinking cups pots, with each color representing a different variety. By the time I got them all potted, it was already dark outside.

Potted Zinnias

My Mom found some of the Taro in our pantry sprouting. She cut of the growing tips, placed in a bowl with a damped towel and covered with a pastic bag to keep it moist. This evening I took the Taro tips and planted them temporarily in a big cell pack with potting soil, so the root will grow and develop.

Taro Sprouting Taro Planted

Finally, I shelled the old Snap Pea Pod that I put out to dry. I’m not really saving these to plant, so we may use them as food somehow.

Dried Snap Peas Shelled Dried Snap Peas

Joel’s Cube on FourSquare…

FourSquare I just ousted moucri as the mayor of Joel’s Cube on @foursquare!

New African Violet Baby + First Coleus Pots…

I finally see a sprout emerging from the African Violet (Variegated) Folia cutting I planted on May 13 (about 29 days ago).

Variegated African Violet Baby

When I got home from work, I made three Coleus Pots:

Coleus Pot #1: Colorblaze Dark Star, Gay’s Delight and Unknown from Sloat (Yellow Scalloped).

Coleus Pot #2: Unknown from Sloat (Red Autumn-like), Wizard Jade, Wizard Coral Sunrise and Wizard Scarlet? (Red Yellow-edge).

Coleus Pot #3: Radical Wonder, Colorblaze Royal Glissade and Rudy Jewels.

Pirate World Record + iPhone 4 Coming…

Vallejo breaks the Guinness Book of World Records for the most costumed pirates in one place at one time. Yarr! ::

Just got an email from Apple telling me that I’m getting my iPhone 4 earlier on the morning of the 23rd instead of the 24th… Whohoo!!!

New Folia Journal Feature…

I’m introducing a new feature on my blog that will allow you to see the history of a particular plant. When I mention a plant on my blog like my Cerinthe ‘Purple Bells’ Folia, I’ll place a yellow Folia leaf image (like the one above) that will link to the journal page of that particular plant on Folia’s website… so if you are curious about a particular plant or just want to know more about it, you can see that plants journal on Folia.

I’m tracking my garden: - Organise, track & share your gardening adventures!

Folia is a free online social garden organiser website that I use to track my plants and gardens.

Father’s Day Gardening…

After having a great Father’s Day with a big BBQ lunch for my brother… then a short nap… I work in the garden a bit.

I’m slowly cleaning up the Square Foot Beds and this evening I started collecting seeds from the dried up volunteer Wild Calendula plants so I can cut them down to make room for new plants. There were quite a few seeds and I’m sure several dropped before I got to collect them… but those will form the plants for next year.

Dried Wild Calendula Wild Calendula Seeds

As I was cutting the Wild Calendula, my Mom started cutting down the bolting Beets Folia in a nearby square. These Beets are actually pretty old–they were planted May 2008… and I don’t have the heart to chop them down completely. I’ll just let them grow and pick off the young leave to use for greens… though I’m debating weather to move them or just let them stay at there current location.

I noticed that the volunteer Cerinthes Folia are already dropping seeds…

First Plum Harvest

I picked my first Plum Folia fruit from the tree next to the sink. It’s not completely ripe but still good… sweet with a little tartness. Yumm!

Father’s Day Tweets…

01:18 I’m watching an infomercial for an Xpress Redi Set Go cooker… and I kinda want one ::

01:44 I’m cooking some Chinese Steamed Rice Cake and making my Sushi Casserole for tomorrow’s lunch…

10:55 HAPPY FATHER’S DAY to all you fathers out there!!!

More Mongero Photos Posted…

I added a few more photos from my visit to Tony Mongero’s garden.
[slickr-flickr tag=”slickrtmg2″ items=”14″]

You can see the complete set in my Flickr set entitled “Mongero Garden