@joelignacio’s Tweets…

The Coleus hunt continues… (@ Mid City Nursery) 4sq.com/dbHUxw

Went to work to feed my fish and water my plants since I’ve been gone since Thursday… (@ Rivet SF) 4sq.com/9kRLIP

Whoa!… I finally have WiFi access in my cubicle at work!!!… Thanks Mark!

@joeysplanting’s Tweets…

Went on a Coleus hunt this morning. My first stop was Westbrae Nursery in Berkeley.

Coleus from Westbrae Nursery: Lava Rose, Chocolate Mint, Electric Lime, Florida Sun Jade, Rustic Orange, Kong Mosaic, Redhead & Peter Wonder

I also got an Oxalis vulcanicola ‘Sunset Velvet’ and a cool looking Aloe-like plant, which I kinda think may be a Sansevieria.

Yesterday, I planted a hanging pot with Lysimachia Variegata, Calceolaria calycina and an unknown plant from Mangero Gardens.

Second stop in my Coleus hunt was Berkeley Horticultural Nursery.

Coleus from BHN: Sunset Strip, Coco Loco, Snazzy, Indian Summer, Swallowtail, Molten Lava, Kong Salmon Pink & Pineapple Splash.

I also got a cool Basil Mix six-pack that contains: Sweet Italian, Spicy Bush, Purple, Spicy Thai, Lemon & Lime Basils.

Forgot that I also got Coleus Tiny Toes.

Potted up several Cacti: Rebutia narvaecensis, Rebutia krainziana, Neochilenia jussieui, Opuntia Baby Rita and Sulcl? arcancea.

My Mom and I dismantled a patio table that was just blocking the way. In its place, my Mom moved her Orchids so they can get more light.

I repotted an mystery Orchid into a larger pot, then gave the non-Cymbidium Orchids a good drench with just a touch of Orchid food.

Planted a pot with Persicaria microcephala Red Dragon, Oxalis Charmed Wine, Oxalis Sunset Velvet and some Dwarf Mondo Grass.

Planted a Coleus pot with Peter Wonder, Pineapple Splash and Redhead. Also planted two individual pots: Kong Mosaic and Kong Salmon Pink.

I was able to divide the 6 pack of Basil Mix into 16 separate drinking cup pots.

I’ve been working in the garden for about 7 hours. Got in the house about 9:30pm and saw these stuck to my leg :: j.mp/9aHOXz

@joelignacio’s Tweets…

Watching Drake on Jimmy Kimmel… I didn’t know he was on the TV series Degrassi: The Next Generation… and I didn’t know he was Canadian.

This is my 1000th tweet… (on this account that is)

Captured 8 more Coleus… I’m happy… (@ Berkeley Horticultural Nursery) 4sq.com/97ztgU

A sign in Burger King says their coffee comes in three easy-to-say sizes: small, medium and large.

I just ousted John C. as the mayor of Carquinez Bridge Toll Plaza on @foursquare! 4sq.com/9Lo0vD

Accidentally deleted 4 episode of Lost from my EyeTV that I haven’t seen yet :(

@joeysplanting’s Tweets…

I found an Archive widget for my WordPress blog that works like the one on Blogspot :: Collapsible Archive Widget j.mp/2yVhjK

Planted a 5 gallon pot with Variegated Ornamental Corn. Added some Tricolor Bush Bean seeds to the pot. Hopefully they’ll be happy together.

Planted a 5 gallon pot with Datura Purple Queen Double and some Butter Daisies.

Planted a 5 gallon pot with 2 Titty Fruits, Orange Butterfly Flower and a Statice.

Planted my single Bells of Ireland seedling into a pot with existing Dahlia Jack-o-Lantern.

Potted Pepper Garmagnola Rossa G2 from small cells packs into blue Solo Drinking Cup pots & Bell Pepper from 99c Store into dark green ones.

Planted a hanging pot with Kohleria Jester and Kohleria Strawberry Fields.

@joelignacio’s Tweets…

I found an Archive widget for my WordPress blog that works like the one on Blogspot :: Collapsible Archive Widget j.mp/2yVhjK

I didn’t know Happyslip was married… and had a child… and is now expecting another :: j.mp/c9H4OA

Celebrating my friend Darwin’s birthday… (@ Yojimbo Sushi) 4sq.com/cco8Vh

I’m finally riding Janet’s Lexus…

Sowing Coleus at Work + Orchid (from Kathryn) has new growth…

I brought in some gardening supplies to work so I can start sowing some Coleus seeds.

Garden Supply at Work Sown Coleus

I made my own mix using used peat pellets (from peat pellets with seeds that didn’t grow), a little bit of potting soil and perlite.

I sowed:
– Coleus (Dappled Apple G2 2010)
– Coleus (Oompah G2 2010)
– Coleus (Splash G2 2010)
– Coleus (Sedona G2 2010)
– Coleus (Kong Scarlet G2 2010)
– Coleus (Trailing Rose G2 2010)

I just noticed that my Orchid (from Kathryn) has fresh new roots and growth coming out. Looks like it’s starting to recover…

Toy Story 3 Easter Eggs + FourSquare…

Toy Story 3 Easter Eggs :: j.mp/aJc0I1

FourSquare Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Small Soup and 20 oz Ice Tea for $5… (@ Levi’s Cafeteria) 4sq.com/5O36vD

FourSquare I just became the mayor of Alfred Zampa Memorial Bridge (2003) on @foursquare! 4sq.com/d4vO4o


Daylilies in our front yard.
Hemerocallis (Family: Hemerocallidaceae)