Microsoft Kin is dead… Bye Kin ::
Really difficult day at work (with more coming)… I can’t wait to get home and work in the garden and relax…
FaceTiming with my niece and nephews :)
Microsoft Kin is dead… Bye Kin ::
Really difficult day at work (with more coming)… I can’t wait to get home and work in the garden and relax…
FaceTiming with my niece and nephews :)
The Tricolor Pole Beans are getting bigger and starting to climb. I planted them into 4 squares in the east side of SFG Veggie Bed #1. (4 plants per square foot)
I planted several vegetables in Veggie Bed #2:
– 2 Purple Potato – 1 square each
– 2 Tomato ‘Rutger’s Select’ – 1 square each
– 2 Tomato ‘Beefsteak’ – 1 square each
– 4 Pepper (Mini Sweet Orange) – 4 plants in one square
– 1 Pepper ‘Golden Marconi’ – 1 square
[photo to come]
Here’s a tip from @PAllenSmith: Protect corn from critters by placing a paper bag over each ear. Secure bag w/ rubber band. Remove bag once the corn is ripe.
I’m so glad I finally got a parking space. Had to get up super early though… and there are about 40 people in line…
As I’m standing here waiting for a ride in casual carpool, I realize that today is the last day of free carpool. $2.50 toll starts tomorrow.
Nice to see a Filipino trending on Twitter. Wishing President Aquino & his government success in leading the country with integrity. #Aquino
I just ousted moucri as the mayor of Joel’s Cube on @foursquare!
New Old Spice commercial ::
Just got interviewed by KCBS about the toll starting tomorrow for casual carpool. Reporter was asking who pays for it…
I found a packet of 100+ Lithops seeds and I don’t remember where or when I purchased these, but it must have been between 2008-2009.
I planted all the seeds and there must have been 200+. Hopefully, they’ll grow. I haven’t been successful growing Lithops to maturity.
[Photo to come]
Lysimachia Variegata is starting to flower…
I hope I get a parking space at the parking lot…
My Mom says there’s not much people here because they’re watching the presidential inauguration… (@ Seafood City)
Tuesday Special (@ Popeye’s)
My friend just got keys to his new townhouse!!! First thing that he moved in was rice and salt (it’s a Filipino tradition)… Congrats D!
My first time here… Food is really good :: (@ Pakwan – Hayward)
Starting the 2009 Coleus Rescue Project…
My Coleus cuttings from 2009 have been severely neglected, I assumed they were all dead, but many survived. I will they to recut them and make new cuttings. Hopefully, they’ll survive.
I’ll followup with the survivor list…
Picked the first fruit from our big Italian Plum tree… and it was so good!… Still crunchy, but sweet with a slight tang.
My Coleus hunt continues… I went to Mid City Nursery and picked up three more Coleus:
– Coleus ‘Henna’
– Coleus ‘Dipt in Wine’
– Coleus ‘Glennis’
Me and my Mom are clearing Veggie Bed #2. I’m pulling up the old Kale Dwarf Blue Curled and my Mom is gathering up the river rock mulch. I’ll add some compost and potting soil to raise back the soil, then figure out what to plant next. Most likely Tomatoes and Pepper and maybe a Potato.
I planted 4 more Coleus pots today…
Coleus Pot #7:
– Coleus ‘Swallowtail’
– Coleus ‘Rustic Orange’
– Coleus ‘Dipt in Wine’
Coleus Pot #8:
– Coleus ‘Chocolate Mint’
– Coleus ‘Sunset Strip’
– Coleus ‘Snazzy’
Coleus Pot #9:
– Coleus ‘Molten Lava’
– Coleus ‘Henna’
– Coleus ‘Lava Rose’
Coleus Pot #10:
– Coleus ‘Florida Sun Jade’
– Coleus ‘Indian Summer’
– Coleus ‘Glennis’
Sweet Peas in the backyard are pretty much spent so I’m collecting the seedpods and chopping them down…
Working in the garden with a Citronella candle to ward of the mosquitos…
My Oriental Limelight Artemisia is growing way to big and overshadowing the Orange Fuz Geranium growing the the same pot, so I cut some of its canes down to make some room for the Geranium to get more light. I also removed a bunch of dead leaves from the bottom part of the Artemisia. I think they’ll be ok for now, but I’ll probably separate them come fall.
I was cutting some of the old Red Texas Star Hibiscus stem off and noticed a couple tiny blue balls in the Mondo Grass growing in the same pot. I think it’s the Mondo Grass seedpod… It really cool, but it’s too dark to take a photo of it right now. I’ll do that tomorrow…
There are currently 4 Red Texas Star Hibiscus growing. These have never bloomed, so I’m wondering if I should pot it up to a bigger pot…
I accidentally knocked over the Euphorbia genoudiana pot, so I potted it up into it’s new permanent home…