Purchased three Coleus from Sloat Garden Center in SF… myfolia.com/j/89142
Author Archives: joelignacio
@joelignacio’s Tweets…
I got a zit INSIDE my eyelid!!!… and it’s rubbing against my eyeball… What the heck?!
Happy Birthday Wincy!!!… Have some deep dish pizza :) (@ Patxi’s Chicago Pizza w/ @davidcherrera) 4sq.com/8eMhkt
Coconut Curry Hot Chocolate (@ Christopher Elbow Chocolates) 4sq.com/4v2ft1
Got three more Coleus… (@ Sloat Garden Center) 4sq.com/a3Dgq9
@joeysplanting’s Tweets…
Harvested about 18 Asparagus Pea pods… myfolia.com/j/88993
This is going to sounds weird, but the Penis Cactus has a new growth… myfolia.com/j/88998
Upo (Bottle Gourd) and Bataw (Hyacinth Bean) grows past its trellis… myfolia.com/j/88999
Planted three more Coleus pots… myfolia.com/j/89004
I took 6 cuttings of our Lemon Verbena and planted them in a cell packs… myfolia.com/j/89007
Hosta ‘Frances Williams’ is sending up a flower bud… myfolia.com/j/89008
@joeysplanting’s Tweets…
Just saw a hummingbird in our front yard :)
First time planting Carrots… myfolia.com/j/88942
@joelignacio’s Tweets…
ThankU @donnamariaruth & @nadjagaerla! Saluyot/Jute is what I was looking 4 & ThankU @filipinofood for the RT & 4 correcting my spelling :)
Feels like autumn…
So freakin tired… Wish I still wasn’t at work…
SO FREAKIN ANNOYED!!! Was supposed to pick up a friend and help him move, but I kept him waiting for 2.5+ hours!!!
@joelignacio’s Tweets…
It was interesting seeing 20+ cars pulled over on the side of the freeway before the toll booth waiting for toll to switch from $6 to $4…
I have the hiccups… Dangit!
@joeysplanting’s Tweets…
Brought home 2 Coleus and a Ginger from work… myfolia.com/j/88698
Three new plants: Ginger Scented, Chocolate Soldier, Chocolate Mint Scented… myfolia.com/j/88701
Panda Plant and Bear Paw potted… myfolia.com/j/88723
@joelignacio’s Tweets…
What the heck!… I updated Shazam and now I’m limited to just 5 tags per month!… That sucks…