March 7, 2011 Sprouting Update…

I’ve been away for a couple days and was happy to see even more seeds sprouting:
– Datura ‘Double Purple Queen’
– Pepper (Mini Sweet Orange)

Out in the Wintersowing bins, I was surprised to see numerous sprouts:
– Sunflower ‘Lemon Queen’
– Sunflower ‘Dwarf Border Mix’
– Bentley Countryside Wildflower Mixture
– Cosmos ‘Picotee’ (G2/2007)

Twitter Updates from @joelignacio

  • 16:34 I was helping my friend lift up some really really heavy balikbayan boxes and I totally tore a big hole in my pants :( #
  • 20:52 Watching the movie Outsourced for the 4th time :) #