12:40am Statice Rainbow Mix is sprouting… #
12:50am I can see leaves emerging from the three Hippeastrums bulbs that overwintered outside. #
12:55am Forgot to post about some new sproutings:
Sunday 3/14 Black from Tula and Rutger-Select Tomatoes;
Monday 3/15 Beefsteak Tomato #
1:00am New sproutings:
Tues 3/18 African Orange Eggplant;
Wed 3/17 Red Bell Pepper and Easter Eggplant #
1:02am I was checking the seedlings outside and noticed that the Whirligig Zinnia sprouts was gone. I think I may need to plant more of those… #
3:23pm (Reposted from @megzzz) The Oldest Trees on the Planet bit.ly/cmszlJ #