Baby Seedling…

As I was taking a break from work, I went to check if Mr. Dandelion was still under the tree on the sidewalk on The Embarcadero (San Francisco). I was surprised to see the seedling below. I’m not sure what it is, but it looks like a pine tree seedling.

Baby Seedling

Mr. Dandelion was gone, by the way.

I then thought, if the landscaper were to see it, they would just pull it out like a weed… so I pulled it up as carefully as I could, to plant in a pot. I kinda snapped the root, so I’m not sure if it’ll make it, but I guess we’ll see…

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!!

I finally was able to edit through all my photos from the San Francisco Botanical Garden. Below are 6 out of the 86 photos I posted on my San Francisco Botanical Garden (Dec 2005) album on