I’m Freezing…

Even though it’s raining and only 47°F outside, I am freezing.

We had a couple days of frost and I panicked yesterday when I saw the tips of my coleus withering away… So I got a pair of scissor, and hurriedly took cuttings, making sure to label them. I also collected the seed stalks and put them in bags to dry.

I brought a few to work and my coworker Cheri graciously offered her window sill for me to place my cuttings to over-winter. I told her I had a ton more at home and she she to bring them over; she doesn’t mind. Thank you Cheri!!! Hopefully they will survive and and can plant them in the spring.

I’ve also been surfing Rose Dawn Gardens website to see what Coleus to order for the spring.

I want a new camera…

Last night, I downloaded garden photos that I took over the weekend from my Canon PowerShot SD100 Digital ELPH, and was disappointed at most of the photos… most of which were of Coleuses. The photos were either blurry or the colors seemed really flat. I’m not sure if my camera is dying, if there was not enough light or if I was out of the macro focus range.

I’ve done some research and decided to buy a new camera with better macro capabilities. I came up with the Canon PowerShot A610. It’s minimum focus distance is 1cm, as opposed to my SD100’s focal range of 10-47cm, so hopefully I can get really close and capture those fine details. Plus, I won’t have to fix most of my photos in Photoshop before posting.

Wish List: Episcia

While surfing Flickr for Coleuses, I learned of a plant that I never heard of before. It’s called Episcia… I must do research and see if I can get some for next year… Add one more plant for my wish list :)

This is where I saw it ( link )

Autumn in the City…


I’m feeling a little down…

Seems like a lot is going on… I’m in the process of buying a house and at times it feels a bit overwhelming. (I’ll create a post about this later.) Whenever I had a big decision to make, I would turn to my dad and see how he feels about it. Lately, I’ve been thinking about my dad and just wish I can ask him for suggestions. I’m also trying to get used to not seeing Chi-Chi in the garage or front garden… *sigh* …Sometimes I just don’t like changes.

My Dad and Chi-Chi
My Dad and Chi-Chi

In Memory of our cat Chi-Chi…

(1989 – November 9, 2005)


( More photos of Chi-Chi )

I’m sadden to find that our cat of 16 years, Chi-Chi, has passed away.

I found Chi-Chi on a sidewalk near a friends house way back in 1989. She must have only been a few days old because she was the tiniest kitten that I’ve even seen. I remember bringing her home and feeding her milk from a sponge.

In March 1990, Chi-Chi had a liter of six kittens: Blacki, Rusty, Panda, Gold, Snowball and Dusty. She was then immediately fixed. We gave all the kittens away except for Blacki, who later had a liter which includes my present cat ‘Lil Blacki.

( Quicktime movie of Chi-Chi and Kittens (13.7mb) )

Chi-Chi (also known as Ming-Ming) was a pretty feisty cat. She was not a big cat, but she guarded our house against intruding cats (and dogs) and left us gifts (mice) to show us how much she cares. She enjoys being outside in the garden and usually greets me when I get home from work. She loves being carried and petted and immediately starts to drool when you do so. When no one’s around to pet her, she would rub her body against our dog Kelly’s cage so Kelly can lick her.

I’m going to miss having Chi-Chi around when I’m outside in the garden. I think I will take off of work, so my mom and I can have a nice burial for her. May Chi-Chi rest in peace.